VIII International Seminar ofthe ASTE NETWORK (Network of Researchers on Associationism and Trade Unionism of Education Workers)


Virtual meeting with support by digital platform

Welcome to the VIII International Seminar of the Network of Researchers on Associationism and Labor Unionism of Education Workers (ASTE Network).

The ASTE Network is a space open to researchers, research centers and groups, trade unionists, educators and students who seek to disseminate and debate their research on associationism and trade unionism in education.

The main objective of this meeting is to continue the process of exchange and deepening the discussion on the theoretical and methodological foundations of research on trade unionism in education.

The VIII Meeting will consist of

- opening and closing tables and one roundtable

- Thematic tables with presentation of communications and/or experience reports


The complete program of the VIII Seminar will be available from July 24, 2021.


2.1 Associationism and trade unionism at the international level: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

2.2. Virtual work, future of work, precariousness and unionism in education

2.3. Gender, associationism and unionism

2.4. Associationism, trade unionism, ethnicity and race

2.5. Associationism and trade unionism: public and private sectors in times of pandemics

2.6. Organization and struggles in the constitution of associations and trade unions of education workers

2.7. Archives, preservation of memory and importance of primary sources for the study of associations and trade unions of education workers

2.8. Other research topics in associationism and unionism in education.

Registration of communications will be made through the online form:


Sending of ABSTRACTS of the communications: from June 15 to July 25, 2021.

Disclosure of Acceptance: July 26 through August 1, 2021.

VIII Virtual Seminar - August 9 to 13, 2021.

Full Papers sent until October 1st and accepted by the Scientific Committee will be included in the Annals of the VIII ASTE Network Seminar published at


Sending of communications: from June 15 to July 25, 2021

Communications modalities:

1) Research communications and

2) experience reports. By experience reports we mean the description of an action carried out by unions of education workers, before or during the pandemic, which refers to the struggles/conquests of the workers and which can be shared with other unions and with researchers.

The Scientific Committee will consider the communications that are written according to previous rules and that comply with the following general conditions:

a) ABSTRACT (attached to the registration form, which should be sent between June 15 and July 25th, 2021):

1 - Word file, with the following format:

• A4 paper (29.7 cm x 21 cm) • 03 cm margins • Font size: Times New Roman 12 • Line spacing 1.0 • Justified alignment

2 - The title of the communications must be in bold, with centralized alignment. The names of the authors will be included just below the title of the work, aligned to the right and accompanied by the identification of the institution, country of origin and email address of the authors.

3 - Size: 1 page (approximately 2000 characters with space).

4 - Inclusion of 3 keywords.

5 - It is suggested that the texts contain: a research problem or experience report, methodological procedures and final or partial results.

6 - Communications in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French will be accepted.

b) FULL ARTICLE (sent until October 1, 2021, so that it can be published on the ASTE Network page):

1 - Word file, with the following format:

• A4 paper (29.7 cm x 21 cm) • 03 cm margins • Font size: Times New Roman 12 • Line spacing 1.5 • Justified alignment

2 - The title of the work must be in bold, with centralized alignment. The names of the authors will be included just below the title of the work, aligned to the right and accompanied by the identification of the institution, country of origin and email address of the authors.

3 - Size: 12 pages or approximately 31,000 characters with space, including bibliographic references and eventual figures.

4 - It is suggested that the texts contain: characterization of the study with research problem, methodological procedures and final or partial results.

5 - Submission of complete papers in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French will be accepted.

6 - REGISTRATION will be done through the online form at: 

7 - FULL PAPERS should be sent to:


Adriana Migliavaca (National University of Luján - Argentina)

Adrián Ascolani (Universidad Nacional de Rosario-CONICET - Argentina)

Amarílio Ferreira Jr. (Federal University of São Carlos / UFSCar - Brazil)

André Robert (Université Lumière - França)

Aurora Loyo (National Autonomous University of Mexico - Mexico)

Carlos Bauer (Universidade Nove de Julho / UNINOVE - Brazil)

Deise Mancebo (State University of Rio de Janeiro / UERJ - Brazil)

Julián Gindin (Universidade Federal Fluminense / UFF - Brazil)

Márcia Ondina Vieira Ferreira (Federal University of Pelotas / UFPel - Brazil)

Marcos Ferraz (Federal University of Paraná / UFPR - Brazil)

Ricardo Pires de Paula (São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" / UNESP - Brazil)

Rosa Duarte Serradas (Lusophone University of Portugal)

Sadi Dal Rosso (University of Brasília / UnB - Brazil)

Savana Diniz Gomes Melo (Federal University of Minas Gerais / UFMG - Brazil)


Antonio Carlos Andrade de Souza (UnB)

Deise Mancebo (UERJ)

Dimitri Assis Silveira (UnB)

Erlando da Silva Rêses (UnB)

Ezequiel Neves (UnB / webdesigner)

Julian Gindin (UFF)

Márcia Ondina Vieira Ferreira (UFPel)

Ricardo Pires de Paula (UNESP)

Sadi Dal Rosso (UnB).

ASTE NETWORK (Network of Researchers on Associationism and Trade Unionism of Workers in Education)


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